5 Habits every kid should have before turning 5

The little ones always look up to their parents for inspiration and guidance. As a parent, it is thus always necessary that we teach our children the best habits and manners. Ever since the Pandemic set in, the meaning of hygiene has changed in altogether a different way. As a parent, it is our duty that we make our children aware of the current situation and help them cope with the new normal. The young kids, especially the ones who are below the age of five, are the hardest to manage. Their whimsical mood and emotional swings can make the task difficult but, we cannot let the guard down. It is thus very necessary that we teach our kids the importance of health and hygiene.

Here is a list of the five habits that every kid should be taught before they turn five-

Wash the hands before eating-

A golden rule for every child is that it is very important that young parents should teach the students the importance of washing their hands thoroughly before every meal. In case the water is not available, the young ones should be encouraged to hand sanitizer. The little ones should be taught the proper hand washing techniques.

Cover the mouth when sneeze-

This is not only good manners but is also necessary for ensuring proper hygiene. To sneeze with an open mouth is indeed very unhygienic. Resting aside the perspective of the manner even for a little kid to sneeze with an open mouth allows the germs to flow freely. Therefore, it is always advisable to the parents that they teach their young ones to always carry tissues or handkerchiefs with them.

Brush properly and every day-

Well, for the little kids to brush every day and that twice a day may seem boring and tiring but it should always be made sure that the children are encouraged to brush their teeth all by themselves. This is one of the most important aspects of maintaining your child’s health and hygiene. To make it more interactive and fun, the parents can also set a timer or play rhymes to keep their kids entertained while brushing their little teeth to perfection.

Clean up the mess-

For a kid, the most important time of their day is the time they play. The parents should encourage their kids to clean up their play area every time they are done with their busy play dates and schedules.

Teach them to share-

While as kids, it is natural they will always want everyone’s affection and time, but it is necessary that their young minds are taught the importance of caring and sharing. If the kids are taught about the essence of sharing at a young age, they are sure to grow up as responsible adults.

Thus, without wasting any time further, teach your kids these important five habits and see them grow into mature and gentle adults.

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